to squeeze in
返回 19 条匹配短语对
attempt to storm in to release the hostages
backfilling rocks to squeeze out ooze
blast method to squeeze ooze
Blasting Method to Squeeze and Replace Mud
caved in to union demands
cement squeeze to plug water
Civil mobile communication drawn-in to the metro
Hearings to be in in private
not give in to
similar to TO-5 package
squeeze to thick-strickle to flat method
tail of concentrating in to scavenging
to squeeze
tune in to
water injection in to coal seams
Entry in to WTO
Measure of putting in-to effect
squeeze in adjustment
波利特purging operation物理创新性实验辐射分解<作用>inactive blackcomplementary trigonometric functiongear carrier坐标法加标drop weight impact test